Saturday, January 28, 2012

Counting Down the Days

I am uber excited to be part of something so wonderful as bringing life into the world. I am also uber scared but mostly excited. I think I have read every baby book watched video and read through so many blogs about being pregnant giving birth and life after birth that I feel ready... lol. Well... ALMOST READY. I have about a month and a week to go before my body finishes this beautifully transformation. As the days get closer and closer I have noticed a few transformations about my body that I am not to happy about. That the tons of baby books do not really prepare me for. You know the embarrassing stuff.  Like this extra drool at night. I don't really remember drooling before I became pregnant but apparently its just something that happens. A LOT. Every night. I asked my mom who swears she knows everything about everything if she remembers having excessive drenched pillows at night when she was pregnant with any of her five kids.

 And like a loving mother she replied... No. No I don't remember that. I don't think that is normal. That's not normal.

 So of course I freaked out.

What! Really, Mom? Are you sure? What should I do? OMG!

Relax, she says. Calm down, Munchie. I don't think your drool will harm your baby. Just your pillowcases. You might want to do an extra rinse cycle. That's pretty gross.

Thanks, Mom. You always know exactly what to say.