Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cycling Excitement

Cycling Excitement by leftride
Cycling Excitement, a photo by leftride on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
A fan at the USA Pro Cycling Challenge

Look at the guy in the red shirt holding the US flag he has the rush way more than the cyclist yep and I want that!!!

Learning A New Skill

I want to ride a bike. I know how to ride a bike. I want to do it to feel that rush. I read this How To Start Cycling and got excited.  I guess my next step is to buy a bike. I also enjoyed reading Beginner’s Guide to Cycling on Well... have the baby first and then buy a bike or which ever comes first. Oh an maybe cute cycling clothes. and a matching helmet.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Birth Plan

So here is my birthing plan. I showed my mom and friends and they swear that I am a hippie. Whatever! I know that birth is unpredictable and you are suppose to go with the flow. But putting my thoughts on the paper easies my mind. It gives me the feeling that I am not going to be just a patient that I am a real person. Over the last 8 1/2 months I have absorbed so much amazing information in books, blogs, and articles related to child birth, pregnancy, and raising a child that I think having a birth plan is just one of the first steps in helping setup your child for success. So basically, if by bombard my doctor and nursing staff (and every other person who comes in contact with me) with my birthing plan so that I feel my child has a booming first few days of life and we are all on the same page makes me a hippie. Well... I accept.

Williams Family Birthing Plan

Important Factors
  • Every thing possible to keep me mobile
  • Saline lock only- no fluids by IV until/unless necessary
Labor Plan
  • Needs to be mobile, walking around, and able to labor in whatever position I am comfortable
  • Would like to shower/ takes baths as often as possible
  • Minimal use of fetal monitors
  • No internal exams
  • No Pitocin
Birth Plan
  • A natural vaginal delivery is very important to me. I would like to exhaust all other safe options before resorting to a c-section. C-section should only be done in case of a true emergency
  • No episiotomy
After Birth Plan
  • Immediately place baby on my chest for nursing
  • Please prolong bathing until after baby's first breastfeeding
  • Please do not cut cord until placenta is out and  has completely stopped pulsating
  • Please do not give baby formula or pacifier

I did copy and paste a few things from others examples off of the momblogs on the I added a few things and removed a few things. I feel good about it.  And that is all that matters

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wanting More

I have a yearning to go back to school. I have this feeling that I have to prove something to myself. I have this habit of not finishing stuff. I don't know when it started exactly. Maybe when I younger in school? I only did enough to get by. Enough to pass but I only put my effort into things in school that I enjoyed. Things that I didn't enjoy I chose to not complete. Not that it was difficult. I just felt that I could be doing something else with my time. As a teenager I wanted to make friends and learning came secondary. It wasn't until I was grown and my grandmother had passed away that I realised that I needed to pay attention to my life and where I was going and doing to take care of myself.
I think bringing a baby into this world makes me rethink how I feel about everything. After all, from the time he's born I will forever have these little eyes watching my every move. I want him to know that his parents are successful. No we aren't loaded with money. I wish. But I want him to know, that they complete stuff that they put their minds too. And he can too.
I am having a strange queasy feeling and its so not related to my pregnancy. I feel the same way I feel when I was 18 and graduating from high school. When I had that dreadful conversation with my grandmother about what I wanted to do with my life. I said I don't know. Well, because I didn't know. And its been about 10 years and I am embarrassed to say that I still don't know. I am just one of those people who likes a little bit of everything. I have always dappled and tried different jobs. But never really settled on any one career. I was so impressed by the students in my graduating class who knew what they wanted to do 10 years ago and are doing it. That's amazing to me.
Some people may see me as a wondering soul. Some may be even lazy. And to some ... a Jill of all trades.
I just want my baby boy to be proud of his momma. I need to evaluate what I want to focus on and going for it.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Single Crochet Seagrass Blanket

Via Flickr:
This it the outline of the teddy bear I have been slowly cross stitching on the blanket. Hopefully, I finish before the LO gets here. I try to do a few lines a night but my hands hurt soo much right now.

Single Crochet Seagrass Blanket

Via Flickr:
I love the colors! I think I want to put a lacy border around the end but I may have to wait until after the baby comes.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Single Crochet Seagrass Blanket

I finally finished crocheting  the blanket I have been working on since the end of January. I love the colors. I bought the yarn at AC Moore. The color is called Seagrass and the brand is Red Heart. Its has ton of colors that I think are suitable for a baby boy with out being to babyish. I like the yellows, greens and blues that jump out at you. I single crocheted the entire blanket. I am having a internal debate with myself deciding if I should make it larger or not. Right now, its about 30 by 30 inches. I have been searching online to see any blankets with cross stitching on the blankets. I would like to add a brown bear to the blanket with cross stitch. I am concerned that the back of the blanket might become messy looking. I guess that's the benefit of being able to call it the backside or wrong side of the blanket. I will probably post pictures in the morning when I have better lighting.
I think its time to start working on my swatch of the month. I want to do something that ties in with Valentine's day. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Counting Down The Days

I am ready to have this baby!!!
Like yesterday.
I am soo ready to have my body back.
I haven't been able to bend down to paint my toes in 2 months and in need of a pedicure.
When I wash dishes, I have to stand sideways, otherwise my tummy is drenched in soap water.
I think the reason God gives you morning sickness at times other than the morning is to prepare you for baby poops in the middle of the night.
I have been crocheting and knitting for the last 3 months. I have two blankets and a hat. I have been trying to learn how to make booties but doesn't look so well.
I have washed all the baby's future clothes.
I have read way to many books on babies. I feel like I have become an expert. Ha! I can't wait to forget all the stuff I've read.
But really... I just want to meet my baby boy.
I want to hold him and count his toes.
I want to dress him up in all his handsome little onesies and hats and take thousands  of pictures of him.
 And most of all love him.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Checkerboard Baby Blanket

Checkerboard Baby Blanket by chauncielove
Checkerboard Baby Blanket, a photo by chauncielove on Flickr.
I have been working on this crochet blanket for 2 weeks. I'm not sure how big I should make it. I am going to double it over the next week. I learned how to create the pattern while watching my favorite show Knit and Crochet Now on CreateTV. Click here and it will take you to the video.

chauncielove's photostream

EarringsEarringsHandmade Jewelry

This is some jewelry I made for my Mom.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have been wanting to start  the 365 Project for sometime now. But I am a known procrastinator. And sometimes a pessimism about starting new projects. After all... I had the idea to start this blog three years ago but didn't start writing actively until the beginning of this year. I debated on blogging my personal life and what types of problems would come with airing all my drama on to the web. I guess, I had to make sure I felt it was right. On Becky Higgins gives 10 great reasons and examples of how to start what to use and why to do Project 365. I can admit she convinced me.

I had doubts. I have had a hard time expressing myself in past years. When I found out I was pregnant, the words in my head started to flow onto my journal. Its full. Well, almost full. I have about three empty pages left to fill it up but I am pretty sure I will write something to night. When I started writing I released something inside of me. I wanted to find out who I was and what I wanted to do. I then started to read blogs and books about writing and tons of self help books to get me out of what ever funk I was in. Most importantly, I wanted to be a better person for myself, and for my future son. Writing helps me keep myself honest and true.

I think that's why I think the 365Project would be another great expression outlet. Also, considering that I am having a little one... who doesn't take a million of pictures a day of their kid. Every time I was around friends who have children I was reminded of that episode of I Love Lucy where, Lucy and Ricky try not to brag about their child but then pull out albums and boxes of photos of little Ricky to show their friends. Yea. I am going to be that mom. Even though I hate strongly disliked it when my friends with kids did it to me. I guess you live and learn. I totally understand now that I am pregnant how you can't help but show every moment and movement of your little miracle to others. You believe your itty bitty baby is the best creation ever made. And think why wouldn't people want to see that beautiful face?

365Project is the perfect place to capture all those moments. Plus it will make me feel like I am technically hip. LOL. I don't know how to work a camera. Let a long upload pictures to this blog yet. And this way my mom can go online to stay up to date on her new addition of grandchildren.

I put on my to do list to start on March 1st. That gives me time to buy a new charger and SD memory cards for my two cameras and learn all the features on the cameras.

Now if I can only get the camera to start working.